What RealTime Medical Customers are Saying
Learn how our customers use RTM’s solutions to improve patient care, reduce burnout and boost operational efficiency.

Peer Learning Software
Dr. Karen Finlay, Chief of Radiology, Hamilton Health Sciences
“I’m reviewing what I’m comfortable with and providing feedback in an area where my expertise lies.”
Dr. Karen Finlay, Chief of Radiology, Hamilton Health Sciences
“Our understanding is that other products do not offer the opportunity to do prospective on-the-go reviews.”
Dr. Karen Finlay, Chief of Radiology, Hamilton Health Sciences
“The RealTime Medical’s platform also did gave us a sense that we could blend and adapt.”
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Learn about how Dr. Karen Finlay and the team at Hamilton Health Sciences have implemented meaningful peer learning in a safe environment to improve patient care, quality and collaboration in a constructive environment.
“When I come into a hospital rotation assignment in the morning, the RealTime Medical software is typically the first thing that I open up.”
“We wanted a way that we could focus on education. There were a lot of options that were available to help us integrate a program that would be meaningful.”
Dr. Karen Finlay, Chief of Radiology, Hamilton Health Sciences
Diagnostic Productivity, Workload Balancing and Collaboration Software
Dr. Colin L. Taylor, Radiologist
“The software actually enables radiologists to easily report for and support multiple sites at once. So it automatically generates for me, my own work list based on my skill set.”
Dr. Colin L. Taylor, Radiologist
“The beauty of having this workload balancing is that if I’m dealing with a complicated case, it affords me the necessary time to both thoroughly review it and report it properly.”
Dr. Colin L. Taylor, Radiologist
“The nice thing for the ER Doctors and the referring clinicians in the hospital is they have access to the RTM system. They are able to monitor the status of their patients’ studies.”
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Learn about how Dr. Colin L. Taylor uses workload balancing and other unique features of RealTime Medical’s software to improve collaboration and support reading for multiple sites simultaneously.
“One of the unique features of RealTime software is the fact that it actually workload balances automatically across all available reporting radiologists. So this really helps us both manage our work lists and report cases in a timely fashion.”
“I think the beauty of RealTime Medical is the fact that we provide a continuous radiology presence and service to our clients, which in turn leads to improved patient care and turnaround times.”
Dr. Colin L. Taylor, Radiologist & Radiologist Liaison, RealTime Medical
Radiology Services
Dr. Darren Knibutat, Staff Radiologist,
Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital
“We’ve been able to help patients get the care they need. That’s a huge benefit for a Chief.”
Dr. Darren Knibutat, Staff Radiologist,
Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital
“RealTime Medical we felt was the easiest one that we would be able to deploy with our hospital structure.”
Dr. Darren Knibutat, Staff Radiologist,
Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital
“I had to review and find the right teleradiology group that integrated well and mesh with our system.”
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Learn about how Dr. Darren Knibutat and the Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital team are implementing Radiology Collaboration Services to help manage a demanding workload and deliver improved patient care.
“RTM has been a true benefit to the lives of our patients and to our group.”
“I didn’t have to go and necessarily recruit another radiologist. I just had to review and find the right teleradiology group that integrated well with our system.”
Dr. Darren Knibutat, Staff Radiologist,
Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital
Grand River & St. Mary’s General Hospital
Improving ER Efficiency & Patient Experience
Tabitha Kearney, VP Clinical Services & Chief Nursing Executive, Deep River & District Hospital
“Their radiologists are there, ready and willing to read any time of the day.”
Tabitha Kearney, VP Clinical Services & Chief Nursing Executive, Deep River & District Hospital
“Definitely saves our patients time and decreases return visits to the emergency department.”
Tabitha Kearney, VP Clinical Services & Chief Nursing Executive, Deep River & District Hospital
“One of the considerations was their ability to integrate to our PACS and support our transition to the EPIC.”
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Learn how radiology collaboration services have improved ER efficiency and patient experience from Tabitha Kearney, VP of Clinical Services, Deep River & District Hospital.
“The turnaround time is in minutes and does not require any additional calls … to get images read. Their radiologists are there, ready and willing to read any time of the day.”
“We spoke with another regional partner who had been using RTM for 10 years and had already begun a discussion about how RTM could support their transition.”
Tabitha Kearney, VP Clinical Services & Chief Nursing Executive, Deep River & District Hospital
More Customer Reviews
Dr. Dennis Janzen, Radiologist
“A 15 to 20 % Improvement in Simple Efficiency.”
Dr. David Wormald, Integrated Assistant VP for Diagnostic Services
“A Real Game-Changer.”
Radiology Collaboration Services in Canada
Ward Sullivan, President, VIP Breast Imaging, speaks about RealTime Medical’s teleradiology collaboration services in Canada.
“RealTime was with us the whole way. There were no challenges with regard to time as we were able to execute dropping a system into a clinic, they were there exactly at the same time to make it work seamlessly every time.”
Ward Sullivan, President,
VIP Breast Imaging
VIP Breast Imaging
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