Become A RealTime Medical Radiologist

With RealTime Medical, you can work from home, read as many of the cases assigned to you as you can and get paid for every exam you read. No need to split revenues amongst a group.

Benefits for RealTime Medical Radiologists:

☑️ Earn more per shift

☑️ Get paid for every exam interpreted

☑️ Able to serve multiple sites simultaneously

☑️ Enjoy significant improvements to lifestyle

☑️ Additional coverage and commitment incentives

☑️ Join a team with a strong reputation for quality

☑️ Use a dynamic workload balancing platform

Once accepted, the membership setup process is systematic and straightforward. We handle the processing of all of our members’ paperwork with each of our image-producing clients.

Apply Now

What RealTime Radiologists Are Saying


Tracy van Noort, MRT(R)
Senior Director of Operations and Services ∙ RealTime Medical
Access my calendar to select a convenient time to discuss your specific needs.

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