Become A RealTime Medical Radiologist
Our Radiologist Positions are redefining the way radiologists work, providing opportunities to excel while enjoying the convenience of working remotely. No need to split revenues amongst a group.

Benefits for RealTime Medical Radiologists:
☑️ Earn more per shift
☑️ Get paid for every exam interpreted
☑️ Able to serve multiple sites simultaneously
☑️ Enjoy significant improvements to lifestyle
☑️ Additional coverage and commitment incentives
☑️ Join a team with a strong reputation for quality
☑️ Use a dynamic workload balancing platform

Once accepted, the membership setup process is systematic and straightforward. We handle the processing of all of our members’ paperwork with each of our image-producing clients.
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What RealTime Radiologists Are Saying
Tracy van Noort, MRT(R)
Senior Director of Operations and Services ∙ RealTime Medical
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